A Malawi where every young person is safe and has access to a high quality education.



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SEED was founded in 2019 to help safeguard children and improve the quality of education in rural Malawi.

We partner with schools in the rural area of Thyolo. The leaders of the community are far better equipped to shed light on their experiences and needs therefore our charity leads meetings with local teaching staff, headteachers, parents and pupils to discuss and identify the needs of the community.


Our Operations Coordinator grew up in Thyolo and knows first hand the issues we are tackling. All of our resources are bought from locally owned businesses allowing their revenue to be recycled back into the local economy, enriching the whole area. All of the work we do on the ground is run by qualified country nationals.



Our mission is to work with rural communities to safeguard and enhance education. We have four key aims: to improve standards of education in rural areas, to improve the welfare and safeguarding of vulnerable children, to increase attendance and completion of school and to increase the number of school leavers in rural areas going on to further education or employment.





Focus on Education

We passionately believe that all children should be able to exercise their right to a well-rounded, fulfilling education, to give them the skills they need to be confident adults and access opportunity.

“We appreciate your efforts in enhancing our education here in Thyolo” - Pupil


Safeguard Children

Children should be able to grow up in safety, in schools, families and communities free from abuse and neglect. We have a strict safeguarding policy and make sure that every staff member and volunteer is safeguard trained.

“Thank you SEED for being a huge part in improving Malawian children’s education” - Teacher


Partner with Rural Communities

SEED is constantly reassessing and finding new ways to make sure that we work with communities.

We speak to headteachers, teachers, pupils and parents to inform us on our work, and all of our resources and workforce are from the local community.

“SEED not only listens to the community but empowers us to lead” - Teacher


Be Honest and Reflective

We must work as openly and honestly as possible, ensuring that our management of financial resources is fully transparent.

“Your programmes are very impactful to the Malawian child and it is our prayer that you continue assisting us” - Teacher